Light Therapy Review

Best Light Therapy Devices For A College Dorm

August is here, which means school is right around the corner! Sorry if we made you sad with that one. Whether you’re just starting college or you’re going back in the fall, we’re sure you know and understand how teeny tiny college dorm rooms can be. Packing your entire life into a 10 x 10 room is no joke and depending on what kind of light therapy device you use or want to start using, space is something to consider! We have compiled a list of some of our favorite light therapy devices that are perfect for small spaces. Whether you are trying to fight your acne, kick psoriasis’s butt, saying goodbye to rosacea, improve your mood, boost your energy, or anything else you can think of…we’ve got you covered.

Himalayan Salt Lamp:

Amazon for $36.00

Not only are Himalayan salt lamps a beautiful and a wonderful addition to any dorm room…they are also a form of light therapy. A genius, highly effective and scientifically incredible form of light therapy. Think we’re fans?

Natural Living Ideas said it best when sharing with their readers why they love Himalayan salt lamps so much. The website reads, “You don’t know what you’re missing if you’ve never owned a Himalayan salt lamp. It’s like having an open window – a softly glowing natural source of fresh, clean air – on your desk, in your living room, next to the bed, or anywhere you choose to put it.” (

The lamps have a wide range of benefits and we can’t understand why anyone wouldn’t want one! They treat Seasonal Affective Disorder, boost energy, mood, and concentration levels, cleanse and deodorize the air, reduce asthma and allergy symptoms, ease coughing, neutralize electromagnetic radiation, and reduce static electricity in the air. Oh and they’re one of the most environmentally friendly light sources on the market!

Lumie Bodyclock Wake-Up Light:

Amazon for $115.00

This sunrise and sunset simulator mimics the outdoor light and it’s timing with the day. You can set an alarm for the simulator to turn itself on and off in tune with your brain’s internal clock. For example, set the alarm to occur every day at 8 o’clock in the morning. The simulator will begin to mimic the sunrise inside your bedroom. This allows you to feel rested and ready for the day, waking up with the sun. The same goes for sunset. The “sun” can slowly begin to set as your day begins to wind down. It can also be used as just an alarm clock, an FM radio, and many other extra audio options. This product is highly rated and reviewed, having proved over and over to help keep your internal clock in check. The best part? It’s small! It’s perfect for the bedside table in any college dorm room.

Skin Care Options – LA Goodwind PH-1 Facial Massager Portable:

Amazon for $73.99

When it comes to skin care, it’s easy to buy every product, every cream, every device, and every extract on the market. Thanks to light therapy, you really only need one good device and a moisturizer. The LA Goodwind Facial Massager is small and portable and the perfect skin care treatment for any college student! It comes with three different heads — red, blue, and yellow — which makes your options endless! The red photon light will help you moisturize, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, restore elasticity, regenerate skin cells, and over all rejuvenate your skin. The blue photon light will fight acne, fade any scarring, reduce inflammation, kill bacteria in your pores, and lift and firm your skin. The yellow photon light improves dull skin tones, fades dark spots, and leaves your skin bright and pure! We weren’t kidding – your options are endless! The handheld device also includes a charging dock and protective goggles.