Archives For November 2016

Understanding and Appreciating Vitamin D

With winter quickly approaching, we are always starting to feel not only the physical affects of a new season, but also the mental changes we all undergo. The sun is beginning to set far too early and our internal mental clocks are all out of whack. With this change happening, it’s more important than ever to make sure your body is receiving it’s proper amount of vitamin D.

This can be rather difficult in the winter, especially if you work a full time job, but it’s not something you can ignore. We know why vitamin D is so important but do you? Let’s get down to it.

It All Starts with Sunlight…

Sunlight, sunshine, the sun, daylight, sun rays, whatever you choose to call it, chances are you know what all of these terms mean, but do you understand the power of the sun? The sun is not only crucial to keep the earth alive and well, but also us! We need the sun to stay healthy!

Sunlight is a portion of the electromagnetic radiation that is given off by the all mighty and powerful sun. Using more specific terms, the sun gives off infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light. For us folks down on Earth, sunlight is filtered through the atmosphere surrounding the Earth, thus providing us with daylight. This means the sun is present above the horizon. When the sun’s rays are not being by blocked by clouds, which creates diffused light, they shine right on down to us. This creates sunshine, which is an unbeatable combination of radiant heat and bright light.

Too much sun isn’t always a good thing. It’s important to always wear sunscreen, protect your skin from overexposure, and always drink enough water. The sun is more than powerful and can easily control our bodies.

If you’re like us, you cross your fingers, pray to the weather gods, and hope with everything inside of you that every single day of the year will be sunny. This is because sunlight is known to have positive effects on the brain, can drastically improve your skin, can ease health problems, and most definitely raises energy levels. If we are smart about how we manage our time with the sun and how it fits into our lives, we can be exposed to a world of health benefits. For example, Vitamin D, which is crucial for our bodies to remain healthy, is activated within us when we are exposed to sun.

Understanding Vitamin D…

Vitamins are chemicals that our bodies require in order for them to remain healthy. They help us fight illnesses, keep us strong, help us heal, and keep our insides working well together. Vitamin D, which is most commonly known for helping promote strong and healthy bones, can be created by the sunlight or taken in pill form. It is pretty remarkable that sunlight, when exposed to the skin, can help our bodies create Vitamin D. This is the only vitamin that can make itself. We must get our other vitamins through our foods. Vitamin D doesn’t rely on our diet. It relies on our exposure to sunlight.

Why Is It So Important?

Our bodies need and crave Vitamin D in order to keep our bones strong and healthy. The Vitamin D Council, a website dedicated to all things Vitamin D related, took to their blog to explain why Vitamin D is so important:

“Vitamin D is very important for strong bones. Calcium and phosphorus are essential for developing the structure and strength of your bones, and you need vitamin D to absorb these minerals. Even if you eat foods that contain a lot of calcium and phosphorus, without enough vitamin D, you can’t absorb them into your body. Vitamin D is important for general good health, and researchers now are discovering that vitamin D may be important for many other reasons outside of good bone health. Some of the functions of the body that vitamin D helps with include:

  • Immune system, which helps you to fight infection
  • Muscle function
  • Cardiovascular function, for a healthy heart and circulation
  • Respiratory system –for healthy lungs and airways
  • Brain development
  • Anti-cancer effects

Doctors are still working to fully understand how vitamin D works within your body and how it affects your overall health.

If your body doesn’t get enough vitamin D to keep it healthy, this is called vitamin D deficiency. Severe vitamin D deficiency can sometimes cause a condition called rickets in children and a condition called osteomalacia in adults. Both of these conditions cause soft, thin, and brittle bones.

A lack of vitamin D has also been linked to some other conditions such as cancer, asthma, type-II diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, Alzheimer’s and autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s and type-I diabetes.” (

Could You Be Vitamin D Deficient?

Vitamin D deficiency is far more common than most people would ever think. How can something that is activated by a natural part of our world not being taken advantage of? There are many factors that can come into play when it comes to Vitamin D deficiency. For example, some parts of the world remain dark for extended amounts of time for specific seasons. Some states, such as Seattle, are gloomy and rainy for a high percentage of the year. Some people are afraid of too much sun, and some, just simply don’t make or don’t have the time for sun exposure. There are a whole slew of reasons why people could be lacking Vitamin D and the statistics that prove just how many people are struggling will blow your mind.

Healing Therapies, a website dedicated to medical studies, has a blog titled, “Vitamin D: Facts and Statistics.” In this article, the Vitamin D deficiency statistics are laid out.

  • 32% of doctors and medical school students are vitamin-D deficient.
  • 40% of the U.S. population is vitamin-D deficient.
  • 42% of African American women of childbearing age are vitamin-D deficient.
  • 48% of young girls (9-11 years old) are vitamin-D deficient.
  • Up to 60% of all hospital patients are vitamin-D deficient.
  • 76% of pregnant mothers are severely vitamin-D deficient, causing widespread vitamin-D deficiencies in their unborn children.


But How Does Vitamin D Work?

Okay so now you know what sunlight is, and you know what Vitamin D is, but now you need to know how the two work together to keep us healthy. It’s quite simple…chemical processes!

The Vitamin D process begins with your liver. Whether you are exposing yourself to sunlight to receive Vitamin D or you are taking supplements, your body is going to send the Vitamin D to your liver. Once your body reaches this point, your liver is going to take that Vitamin D and change it into a different substance. This substance is called 25(OH)D. As the Vitamin D Council explains, “When your doctor talks about your vitamin D levels, he means the amount of 25(OH)D you have in your blood.” Hey, thanks liver!

From this point, the chemical is sent throughout your body and it’s ready to get to action! Our tissues turn it into activated Vitamin D and your body will begin to receive the long list of health benefits.The Vitamin D Council came to the rescue again to simplify what is definitely not a simple thing. The website explains, “From here, it gets a little complicated, but you can think of activated vitamin D working in two ways:

Manages calcium in your blood, bones and gut;

Helps cells all over your body to communicate properly.”

As you can see, Vitamin D deserves an article entirely to itself. It’s complex, interesting, and majorly beneficial. However, if we were forced to sum up vitamin D for you in just one short blurb…this is what we would tell you…

Our bodies need vitamin D and the sun can give deliver it. Why not take advantage of what this world has to offer? Your body will thank you! Especially during the winter!

What Everyone Needs To Know About Light Therapy

Light therapy is breaking ground all across the world and yet most people go through their every day lives having no idea what it is and how much potential it holds. Light therapy is going to blow your mind!

None of us are perfect, and honestly, more people than you would think struggle with serious disorders that affect their every day lives. Light therapy has been proven effective in a wide array of scenarios. A light box imitates outdoor light, which boosts energy levels and improves health, as well as multiple other perks.The process of using a light box and other forms of the therapy have been successfully treating all sorts of disorders. These conditions range from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), to depression, to hair loss, to acne that you thought you would never get rid of, to muscle pain, and a little bit of every in between.

Light therapy is powerful, easy to use, cost effective, all natural, harm free, and ready for you whenever you’re ready. Now lets learn what everyone needs to know about light therapy…

It Can Treat Seasonal Affective Disorder and Depression:

If you struggle with any form of depression, light therapy may be a cure for your struggles. Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD is a form of depression that usually strikes annually during fall and winter. For some people, symptoms for SAD occur during summer and spring, but it is rare. Symptoms for the disorder include irritability, trouble getting along with others, weight gain and major appetite changes, low energy levels, extreme sensitivity to rejection, oversleeping, and an achey, heavy feeling throughout the limbs.

For people with depression, aside from Seasonal Affective Disorder, light therapy can help by simply using a light box to bring their energy levels back to normal. Depression is usually apparent in conjunction with lack of sleep and Circadian Rhythm Disorders. Circadian Rhythm Disorders are changes in a person’s normal rhythm of their 24 hours cycles. When the patterns of the brain wave activity drastically change due to work, pregnancy, medications, time zone changes, routine swaps, and medical issues such as Alzheimer’s, it is hard for the brain to keep up. Making it is easy for depression to creep in. Light therapy can help bring your brain and energy levels back to a point that is difficult to reach without any assistance.

It Can Treat Other Mental Disorders Such As Bipolar Disorder:

More than three million people in the United States are diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, also referred to as Manic Depression each year. The disorder brings about episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs. Most people struggling with the disorder undergo periods of elevated moods, either high or low, and increased irritability. A reduced need for sleep, depression symptoms, and loss of interest in passions are all common occurrences.

Unfortunately, Bipolar Disorder cannot be cured, but light therapy has been proven to show signs of improvement. Light therapy helps keep the biological clock on time in people with Bipolar Disorder and other mental illnesses. This clock can be easily agitated and can throw off sleep and wake cycles which are known to stir up symptoms such as mania and depression. Using light therapy aids in regulating biological patterns, in turn reducing mood swings and major brain wave changes.

People who struggle with SAD, depression, and Bipolar Disorder, often face other mental disorders such as Bulimia and Anorexia. The therapy indirectly improves mood, thus reducing the need to binge or purge.

It Can Treat Insomnia:

There are more than three million US cases of Insomnia per year. Insomnia can usually be self-diagnosed and the symptoms include difficulty falling asleep and remaining asleep. People who struggle with Insomnia are often overly tired, lack concentration, show signs of depression, are extremely irritable, and suffer from headaches.

Similar to Bipolar Disorder, insomnia doesn’t have a direct cure. However, light therapy shows major signs of improvement in people and for people who struggle with moderate to mild insomnia, light therapy can most certainly be the cure. The internal clock in people with insomnia is often off which causes them to struggle when it comes to sleep. By managing when the brain releases melatonin and seratonin, insomnia symptoms can be alleviated and the brain’s internal clock can get itself back on track.

It Can Cure Psoriasis and Other Skin Conditions:

Light therapy is extremely effective for skin conditions such as Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Scleroderma, and many other disorders. The process works by decreasing cell growth and inflammation that create skin issues. Psoriasis is a common skin problem that has seen results when treated with light therapy processes. Psoriasis occurs when skin cells build up and form itchy and scaly patches on your body. Using a light box in a scenario such as this would slow down your cell growth and bring this painful condition to a halt. Do you struggle with any of these skin conditions? Light therapy may be the skin treatment you’ve been looking for.

It Can Cure Chronic Pain:

Red light therapy is used every day to treat chronic pain. This form of therapy became popular when professional athletes began using it for pain relief as well as wound healing.

This most likely goes without saying, but no one wants to take pain killers every day. They’re dangerous, your body becomes overly reliant, and they make your stomach a wreck. An even better statement: it’s pretty difficult to lead a happy life when living with chronic pain. No worries. The cure is here.

Red light therapy is very commonly used for pain relief. It’s used in doctor’s offices all over, athlete’s swear by it, Chiropractor’s praise it, and it’ll be hard to find someone with a negative opinion on the matter. It’s gentle, drug-free, non-invasive, and 100% awesome. In most cases, it has proven extremely effective in reducing pains and aches. In some cases, red light therapy has actually totally eliminated aches and pains. Red light therapy can treat herniated and bulging disks, muscle related back pain, Osteoarthritis, pulled and strained muscles, Fibromyalgia, muscle spasms, inflammation, bone fractures, chips, and sprains, nerve injuries, neck pain, neck stiffness, and more.

It Can Treat Hair Loss:

When it comes to hair regrowth, red light therapy is making our jaws drop. Low Level Light Therapy or Low Light Laser Therapy (LLLT), are what specialists are using and it is directly creating hair regrowth for people who struggle with male pattern baldness, hair loss due to age, stress, and more.

These treatment sessions use red and near infrared light therapy. The treatment does not need to be in the form of a laser to work, but some people prefer it. Wavelengths in the range of 630 to 670 nanometers are most commonly used for this form of Light Therapy. The treatment works because visible red light is capable of being absorbed by the molecules in our hair follicles. When absorbed, this can stimulate growth of the hair thanks to a natural biological reaction. This only works if the light is absorbed, which is why lasers are usually preferred.

It Can Treat Acne, Scars, Wrinkles, and Blemishes:

Most people have struggled or will struggle with those not so pretty blemishes on our cheeks, our noses, our foreheads, our backs, and other unfortunate places. Acne is a skin condition that occurs when hair follicles plug with oil and dead skin cells. The bothersome condition results in pimples, blackheads, and bumps. It’s honestly a pretty difficult condition to conquer. Some people can lay off the greasy potato chips, change their pillow cases every single morning, and still end up with zits on their foreheads. Some people can apply all of the expensive creams in the world, try every homeopathic treatment, read every Pinterest article about how to get rid of their zits, and they will still struggle. Some people deal with terrible side affects with acne medications, or they just can’t afford to keep getting it refilled! This is where light therapy can kick acne right out of your life.

Exposing your skin to different forms of Light Therapy can help kill the bacteria in and on your skin that causes redness and swelling from acne. Using a form of Light Therapy will not be a quick kill for your zits. It will not just zap them away like a laser does. Instead, the treatment kills the bacteria that causes acne and reduces the amount of oil-producing glands on your skin. It givesyour skin a chance to recover by itself, without harming or damaging it for the long run. Depending on what is needed and wanted, the treatment will either use red light, blue light, or a combination of the two.

Light therapy also works wonders by treating scars, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and overall rejuvenating your skin to bring back youth and a healthy glow. All of these conditions can be cured with one light therapy device, but depending on your specific conditions and the severity of them, it’s best to do research and speak to a doctor before buying or using a device.

We barely cracked the surface here and we’re excited just talking about light therapy! Light therapy is still new. We learn more every day, and the possibilties are endless. It’s time to get on board!

Light Therapy is Boosting Libido in Men!

Light Therapy & Libido

The European College of Neuropsychology has released new research which is proving that light therapy can boost libido in men. Libido is a person’s sexual desire. It is often referred to as sex drive or sexual appetite. New research has proven that bright light therapy can actually improve libido levels in men. The more we learn, the more we come to realize that light therapy has endless potential.

Bright light therapy, which is the same form of therapy used for treating Seasonal Affective Disorder, is the form of light therapy being used for improving libido levels. Exposure to bright light therapy increases testosterone levels and can lead to greater sexual satisfaction in men who suffer from low libidos. The researchers from the European College of Neuropsychology are reporting that the 25% of men who have said they suffer from lower libidos can now put their minds to ease. There is hope!

The Proof!

In the study conducted at the European college, scientists gathered 38 men that were diagnosed with hypoactive sexual desire disorder, also known as sexual arousal disorder. This disorder refers to men who have a lack of interest in sex. All 38 men underwent an evaluation prior to the study to determine their baseline interest in sex and calculate their testosterone levels.

After this initial evaluation, the men were divided in half. Every single day for two weeks, the 19 men from each group sat in front of a light box early in the morning for half hour long treatments. One of the groups of 19 men was the control group. They were treated with an adapted light box that produced drastically less light than the other group’s light box. The men didn’t know this, of course.

Once the treatment was over, the researchers and scientists discovered that the testosterone levels in the men who were given the active light treatment increased. There levels skyrocketed from 2.1 ng/ml to 3.6 ng/ml after just two weeks. The control group that was given the weak light ended the treatment session with their testosterone levels around the same level as when they began. Which was about 2.3 ng/ml.

Andrea Fagiolini, who was the study author was documented discussing the experiment’s interesting results. Fagiolini explained, “Before treatment, both groups averaged a sexual satisfaction score of around 2 out of 10, but after treatment the group exposed to the bright light was scoring sexual satisfaction scores of around 6.3—a more than 3-fold increase on the scale we used. In contrast, the control group only showed an average score of around 2.7 after treatment.”

Bright light therapy is often used to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder as well. This is where we believe the connection lies. Previous research has shown libido levels changing with the seasons. Ambient light can contribute to sexual desire and testosterone levels. Andrea Fagiolini also explained, “In the Northern hemisphere, the body’s testosterone production naturally declines from November through April, and then rises steadily through the spring and summer with a peak in October. You see the effect of this in reproductive rates, with the month of June showing the highest rate of conception.”

Light boxes imitate what nature does to our brains by triggering our pineal gland. This gland is responsible for producing melatonin. Researchers believe that triggering the pineal gland can aid in the production of more testosterone. The way bright light therapy can treat the brain during Seasonal Affective Disorder is the same way it can treat the brains of people suffering from low libidos.

Are You Sold?

While light therapy isn’t technically is an official form of treatment for low libido in men quite yet, anyone can try it out! It’s important to speak to a doctor prior to conducting a light therapy session such as this on your own but once you’re told it’s okay, it’s worth a shot!


The NatureBright SunTouch Plus Light and Ion Therapy Lamp
Amazon for $51.99

Try starting your treatment with a bright light box such as this one. The NatureBright SunTouch Plus Light and Ion Therapy Lamp is compact, easy to use, and fairly inexpensive. Try sitting in front of this light box for at least a half hour each day. Mornings are typically the best time. Set it up on your kitchen table while you drink your coffee, eat your breakfast, read the paper, etc. If you don’t have time in the morning, set it up on your desk at work. Another option is to use the light box as your day is winding down. Eat dinner in front of it, read a book, watch TV. Whatever works for you! Light therapy is a wonderful alternative to medicine and can drastically improve your life. Why not give it a shot?



Top 6 Forms of Light Therapy for SAD

Fall is here and winter is just around the corner! It’s getting to that time of the year where highly sensitive people begin to become affected by the changing of the seasons. We’re talking about the people who need the sun to thrive. The people who enter hibernation when the sun starts to set at 5 pm. We’re talking about victims of seasonal affective disorder, or seasonal depression. This is a condition that affects millions of people each year! Some people don’t even know they suffer from these “winter blues.” But no worries, there is a cure. There are actually 6 of them!

Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder…

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), or seasonal depression, is a mood disorder and mild form of depression. Unlike major depression, SAD is temporary. It occurs at the same time each year, usually in the fall and winter months. Some people experience SAD in the opposite months…leaving them to struggle with depression in the spring and summer and not finding happiness again until fall and winter. This form of the depression is much less common. SAD is extremely frequent, affecting more than 3 million US cases each year. It is typically treatable and not a long term condition. The disorder usually resolves within months.

What Are The Symptoms?

Symptoms for winter and fall seasonal affective disorder may include…

• Irritability
• Tiredness or low energy
• Problems getting along with other people
• Hypersensitivity to rejection
• Heavy, “leaden” feeling in the arms or legs
• Oversleeping
• Appetite changes, especially a craving for foods high in carbs
• Weight gain

Symptoms for spring and summer seasonal affective disorder may include…

• Depression
• Trouble sleeping (Insomnia)
• Weight loss
• Poor appetite
• Agitation or anxiety

(Symptoms lists from

Why Seasonal Affective Disorder Is So Common…

We do not know exactly why SAD occurs and what causes it. However, many studies have been done in attempt to figure it out. Our biological clock (Circadian Rhythm), is the main factor. Due to the increased amount of darkness and decreased amount of sunlight in the fall and winter months, our body’s internal clock is off. This can lead to feelings of depression. Another major factor is our serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter chemical in our brains that affects our moods. When the amount of sunlight that we are exposed to is reduced, our serotonin levels drop, prompting depression. The third reason is our melatonin levels. Melatonin is a hormone in our brains that anticipates the daily onset of darkness. When our light levels are off, for example, when it gets dark at 4 p.m. due to daylight savings, our brain gets confused and releases melatonin. This tricks our brain and body and messes up our brain waves as well as our energy levels.

The Huffington Post took to their Healthy Living blog to discuss “10 Things Everyone Should Know About Seasonal Depression.” Lindsay Holmes, Healthy Living Editor, went in detail explaining how Seasonal Depression should be analyzed and discussed with a doctor. Holmes claims that sometimes Seasonal Depression is a sign of underlying depression. She also says the condition is not something to joke about and it’s an actual serious illness. For her eighth and ninth reasons on the blog, she explains where the depression seems to be the most prevalent as well as who seems to deal with it the most. Holmes says:

“It’s more prevalent in northern states. People who live in colder, cloudier climates may be more susceptible to the disorder. Northern states have higher rates of SAD than southern states, according to the University of California, Irvine.

SAD is more common in women. Studies show women have higher rates of depression than men, including SAD, the New York Times reported. However, that doesn’t mean men are immune. Depression doesn’t discriminate and can affect anyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity or any biological factor.”

Light Therapy and Seasonal Affective Disorder…

Light therapy is a form of therapy that uses different forms of light to treat a wide array of conditions. Doctors of all sciences have been using light therapy on their patients for years. Thanks to the convenience of new light therapy products, it is now easy and accessible to use light therapy products at home. Light therapy has been helping to cure SAD on ground-breaking levels and there is no sign of it stopping.

Most people suffering from SAD don’t do anything to fix the issue. Instead of looking for an answer, they assume it’s normal. They sleep in a little longer, drink more coffee, and wait for spring to poke it’s head out. Some people don’t even know they are struggling with something that is actually medically recognizable. To them, it’s just the winter blues. But by ignoring the fact that they’re suffering, they’re missing out on some months that could be wonderful. With today’s modern technology, there’s no need to avoid the topic anymore. There are six forms of light therapy that have been proven effective at treating seasonal affective disorder.

Top 6 Forms of Light Therapy for SAD…

1. Dawn Simulators

Dawn simulators mimic the natural rising of the sun and are the most natural, authentic form of light therapy. There are two different types of dawn simulators. One option simulates the natural representation of dawn for a springtime sunrise. Another option simulates a sigmoidal shaped dawn that can last between 30 minutes to 2 hours. Dawn simulators are highly effective because early morning light signals are much more powerful in regards to our brains that any other light sources throughout the day. Our brains are sensitive to morning light.

Dawn simulators can be a stand alone light source that is a bit like an alarm clock or it can be an attachment that you plug into your bedside lamp.

2. Light Boxes

Light boxes are the most common form of light therapy. They are used in clinical studies and always promote positive results. They are flat screens that emit a full spectrum fluorescent light. The light box typically emits 10,000 lux.

These devices are used on a set schedule. Patients sit in front of them each day at the same time for between 30 to 60 minutes. These devices are easy and you can use them at your own convenience. For example, when you’re reading the newspaper or eating your breakfast each morning.

3. Natural Spectrum Light Bulbs

Natural spectrum light bulbs are simply an addition to a lamp at your home or work. They can be used on a set schedule just like a light box or they can be left on throughout the day, just like a normal lamp. They typically emit at least 10,000 lux and are known to be highly effective. Just like light boxes, these bulbs can adjust your circadian rhythm and boost your mood levels.

4. Bluewave Technology

Blue light, or blue wave technology, is another form of light therapy used to treat seasonal affective disorder. It is used in the form of a light box, just like the option  discussed above, but the light panel or bulbs are slightly different.

The only downside to this option is the blue light is extremely similar to the light that is emitted by technology such as your cellphone or computer. Studies have shown that using a cellphone, computer, tv, etc., before bed can effect your sleep in a negative way. So if you are planning on using blue light therapy, be sure to do your treatment session earlier in the day to avoid any potential sleep issues.

5. Bright Light Sun Visors

A light therapy hat! So fun, right? These personal light therapy boxes are worn as a hat. They are used for a set amount of time each day and can let you keep your light therapy box right on your head for easy convenience throughout the day. This is wonderful if you’re a busy bee!

Be sure to use bright light sun visors with caution and read all of the instructions on the packing first. Keeping a light source so close to your eyes is definitely something that needs to be monitored.

6. Light on a Timer

This form of light therapy for seasonal affective disorder is similar to a dawn simulator except it can be used at any time throughout the day. Also, the change in light is far more abrupt than a simulator. This form of therapy is helpful for people who struggle with getting out of bed in the morning or who often forget to do their light therapy treatment sessions.

Try setting the lights in your room on a timer. With the help of your alarm clock you will definitely wake up in time and have a great, serotonin filled day. Or perhaps the warm light in your office will automatically turn on for one hour each day, mimicking the outdoor light and keeping your circadian rhythm in check.
